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Fund Allocation for Successful Traders

YCM provides brokerage services to professional traders and investor capital allocation to those with verified successful strategies.
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24 years 

 of working with traders

$50 million

target AUM for allocation


performance related fees on allocated funds*

Strategy Scaling

We provide access to top liquidity providers for FX, crypto, commodity and stock indices trading. Along with the standard best execution, low commission and tight spreads offered on our platform, our MAM/PAMM system allows for the collection of performance, management and execution fees.

We believe in great traders with sustained winning strategies. Once we’ve verified a trader's success, we’ll allocate real investors’ funds to trade on their MAM account and they'll get to enjoy a cut of any profits their strategy generates for our investors.

Why YCM-Invest?


Significant pools of investor capital can invest in your strategy.

High Reward

We reward successful relationships, with performance fees of up to 15%.


Long established business specialising in trading and risk management technology solutions and investment management.
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How it Works

1. Analyse
We analyse the trader's past trading and performance.
2. Trade
The trader trades own capital, client funds, or both on our platform.
3. Invest More
If we like what we see, a large pool of investor funds could be allocated to the trader's strategy with favourable conditions for the trader- that could be you.
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Our Investor Capital Helps Scale

You could enjoy further funds that follow your strategy - up to 100% of your invested capital
Or up to 1:10 where you agree to bear the first losses.
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Benefits for Traders

Daily, Weekly & Monthly Redemption

Maximum Leverage

Min Investment $100,000

Funds Held With Top Tier Bank

Best Execution

Protected By Lloyds Client Fund Insurance

View insurance cover note underwritten by Lloyd's

Brokerage Services

(Deposit more than $25k)
FX Majors $25pm
FX Minors $30pm
FX Exotics $40pm
CFD’s $40pm
Metals $45pm
OIL $50pm
(Deposit more than $50k)
FX Majors $20pm
FX Minors $25pm
FX Exotics $35pm
CFD’s $35pm
Metals $40pm
OIL $45pm
(Deposit more than $100k)
FX Majors $15pm
FX Minors $20pm
FX Exotics $30pm
CFD’s $30pm
Metals $35pm
OIL $40pm

Get In Touch

Schedule a call with one of our specialists
integration with Calendly
*Traders may receive performance fees of up to 15%. Terms and conditions apply.